Core Functions:
1. Daily preparation of the rooms used by the children including;
- wiping with disinfectant – beds/cribs, tables, counters and surfaces of all fixtures
- fitting clean sheets daily and replacing as needed
- supervising the cleaning of floor
- storing soiled linen and clothing and food in an appropriate manner
2. Promote, support and provide daily care for children's physical, hygiene and nutritional needs in their care. Including receiving, storing, preparing and serving refreshments and meals to the children.
3. Participate and actively supervise the children at all times, including play (indoor and outdoor), rest periods, toileting, bathing, hand-washing, dressing and eating.
4. Store, record and give medication under supervision.
5. Plan, record, implement and evaluate daily activities and lesson plans for children and self-reflect.
6. Assist teaching, interact and participate in play with the children using suitable learning materials to stimulate the children’s development.
7. Collect, clean and store toys, equipment and learning materials after use.
8. Promote and support children's;
- Sensory, Language and Communication Skills
- Wellness, Gross and Fine Motor Development
- Social and Emotional Development and Resilience
- Cognitive Development, Intellectual Empowerment and Digital Literacy and Financial Literacy Skills
- Life skills: decision making, problem solving, creative thinking, critical thinking, effective communication, interpersonal skills, self-awareness, empathy and managing emotions and stress.
9. Facilitate the appropriate management of children's behaviour.
10. Observe, assess and record the children’s development and report on any concerns to the Administrator.
11. Observe, detect and respond to signs of child abuse. Report all child protection or child care concerns to the Administrator.
12. Ensure the children and their belongings including medication are safely handed over to their parent or authorised adult at collection. Effectively and appropriately communicate with parents: receive and give information on the children in their care.
NCTVET NVQ-J Level II Early Childhood or have equivalent certified training.
NCTVET NVQ-J Level III Early Childhood
Associate Degree in Early Childhood Education
Bachelor of Education in Teaching
Bachelor of Education in Early Childhood Programme
First Aid training would be an asset
Food Handlers Permit
Minimum 1 year experience working in an Early Childhood Institution. This includes nurseries, centres or homes which offer day care, basic schools, kindergartens, preschools, Montessori, infant departments and infant schools.