To inform transformational and lasting change for children, adolescents, their families, and their communities in the Eastern Caribbean.
Title: Consultancy services to develop 12 country Snapshots on Children’s Rights and A Regional Snapshot on Children’s Rights in the Eastern Caribbean Area.
Purpose: To inform transformational and lasting change for children, adolescents, their families, and their communities in the Eastern Caribbean.
Location: Remote
Duration: 6 months
Start Date: 3 March 2025
Reporting to: Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist
The UNICEF Office for the Eastern Caribbean Area (UNICEF ECA) is dedicated to supporting 12 countries[1] in the region to uphold and protect children's rights in alignment with international best practice and the commitment they made under the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). The Snapshots on Children’s Rights are part of the Situation Analysis of Children‘s Rights in the Eastern Caribbean Area (the SitAn) which is a flagship product, designed to analyze and inform policy dialogue, partnerships and interventions that improve the lives of children and their families. These country snapshots essentially examine the implementation status of children’s rights and the issues that affect realization of these rights, helping to focus on knowledge gaps related to inequities and child deprivations.This is a timely undertaking given UNICEF’s global re-focused leadership on children’s rights and commencement of the consultative process to develop a new country programme for the Eastern Caribbean Area 2027 – 2031.
By promoting the broad engagement of all stakeholders, the SitAn is used to urge all levels of governments and civil society to use the Convention on the Rights of the Child as a guiding mechanism in policy making and legislation to:
Moreover, a sustainable mechanism is required to collect information and to observe the situation of children's rights across the ECA, and possibly the wider CARICOM region. An independent Observatory on Children’s Rights will present the status of children’s rights and analyses that influence a holistic and dynamic policy landscape for the evolving needs of children.
Specific Tasks:
The specific objectives of these studies are:
The key tasks are to:
1) Prepare 12 country Snapshots on Children‘s Rights and A Regional Snapshot on Children’s Rights in the Eastern Caribbean Area
- Task Overview:
- Steps:
2) Develop a Concept Note for the Establishment of an Observatory on Children's Rights
- Task Overview: Design a comprehensive concept note outlining the purpose, structure, operations, and sustainability of a regional Observatory for Children's Rights.
- Steps:
1) The Consultancy Team will undertake analysis for each country Snapshot on Children’s Rights using the UNCRC and SDGs as the reference framework and utilise available secondary and primary data sources, including reports and survey datasets, such as latest Survey of Living Conditions (SLC), Multiple Indicators Cluster Survey (MICS), Labour Force Survey (LFS), Populations and Housing Census (PHC), OECS and national Education and Health Statistical Digests, State Reports on the Implementation of the UNCRC and the Concluding Observations, Reviews of Country Legislation pertaining to Children and others.
2) The Consultancy Team will provide a Concept Note for establishing a Children’s Rights’ Observatory for the Eastern Caribbean Area as part of the sustainable knowledge generation architecture within the Caribbean.
3) The Consultancy Team will also conduct key information interviews and focus groups to engage with various key stakeholders to identify and build consensus around remaining or new challenges pertaining to the realization of children’s rights and to collectively formulate recommendations for actions that can further accelerate progress towards optimal fulfilment of rights obligations.
4) In collaboration with the UNICEF Communication and SBC units, the views and voices of young people should be collected through U-Report, social media or other virtual means to enhance the qualitative findings and to hear from children themselves. There must be inclusivity in data collection (e.g., reaching marginalized groups like children with disabilities, migrants, and populations in sister islands and rural areas).
5) The Consultant team will consult with a broader network of stakeholders, including government representatives, civil society organizations, and regional partners, as necessary. Therefore, pproposals must include a clear outline of stakeholder participation or consultation to both inform and validate country analysis and the proposed Children’s Rights Observatory.
6) Taking the above into consideration the Technical Proposal must outline the methodological approach proposed by the Contractor for the two deliverables.
7) The Consultant Team will work under the direct supervision of the UNICEF Planning, Monitoring, and Evaluation (PM&E) Specialist, in collaboration with the Child Protection Specialist who will provide overall direction, ensure the consultant’s outputs align with UNICEF’s strategic objectives, and oversee the timely completion of deliverables.
The Consultant Team will be supported by an internal UNICEF reference team which includes the Heads of Sections, Child Rights Monitoring Specialist, Knowledge Specialist and National Coordinators.
Expected Deliverables:
Phase: Inception
Deliverables: Final inception report outlining the interpretation of the assignment, proposed methodologies and approach, and work plan including consultations to be held
Date of Delivery and Estimated Days: Due: End of March 2025 (25 days)
Payment amount: 20%
Phase: Data collection, analysis and drafting
Deliverables: 12 Draft Snapshot on children’s rights (one report per country)
Date of Delivery and Estimated Days: Due: Mid-May 2025 (45 days)
Payment amount: 50%
Phase: Validation and finalization
Date of Delivery and Estimated Days: Due: Late May 2025 (15 days)
Payment amount: 15%
Phase: Concept Note on Children’s Rights Observatory in the Eastern Caribbean
Date of Delivery and Estimated Days: Due: Late June 2025 (30 days)
Payment amount: 15%
1) The Consultant Team will work under the direct supervision of the UNICEF Planning, Monitoring, and Evaluation (PM&E) Specialist in collaboration with the Child Protection Specialist, who will provide overall direction, to ensure the consultant’s outputs align with UNICEF’s strategic objectives and oversee the timely completion of deliverables.
2) The Supervisor and Institution will meet twice per month on the progress to date, or as needed to support the progress.
Expected background and Experience:
The technical evaluation will be considered in accordance with the following information:
Technical Proposal: 70 points
1) Overall Response (10 points):
a) Understanding of, and responsiveness to UNICEF requirements.
b) Understanding of scope, objectives and completeness of response.
c) Overall concord between UNICEF requirements and the proposal.
2) Company and key personnel (30 points):
a) Team leader: Relevant experience, qualifications, and position with firm.
b) Team members - Relevant experience, skills & competencies.
c) Organization of the team and roles & responsibilities.
d) Professional expertise, knowledge and experience with similar projects, contracts, clients and consulting assignments.
e) Financial status.
3) Proposed Methodology, Approach and System (30 points):
a) Quality of the proposed approach and methodology.
b) Quality of proposed implementation plan, i.e how the bidder will undertake each task, and time-schedules.
c) Risk assessment - recognition of the risks/peripheral problems and methods to prevent and manage risks/peripheral problems.
Note: The Financial Proposals will be opened only to the companies considered technically approved (range between 49 to 70 points).
Financial Proposal (30 points)
The Financial Proposal will be opened and tabulated within the Technical Proposal and the final range will be provided.
UNICEF reserves the right to withhold all or a portion of payment if performance is unsatisfactory, if work/outputs are incomplete, not delivered or for failure to meet deadlines. Performance indicators against which the satisfactory conclusion of this contract will be assessed include timeliness/quality of submission and responsiveness to UNICEF and counterpart feedback.
Property Rights:
UNICEF shall hold all property rights, such as copyright, patents and registered trademarks, on matters directly related to, or derived from, the work carried out through this contract with UNICEF. The bidder must submit all documentation and source code where necessary to UNICEF upon successful launch.
How to Apply:
The application package should include the following:
*Financial Proposal to be issued exclusive of Sales Tax/VAT.
Prospective institutional or corporate contractors should apply to the email address above in the subject line “Consultancy services to develop a Snapshot on children’s right situation in the Eastern Caribbean Area” no later than Friday, 07, February, 2025, 17:00 PM (Eastern Standard Time).
[1] Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Dominica, Grenada, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Trinidad and Tobago, and the United Kingdom Overseas Territories of Anguilla, British Virgin Islands, Montserrat and the Turks and Caicos Islands.