Plan & monitor the operation & continuous improvement of the maintenance area for the Bahia Principe Hotels & Resorts division, including advice on the planning of actions (preventive and corrective) monitor regulatory compliance & sustainability initiatives etc.
Plan, coordinate and supervise the establishment of the annual maintenance needs(preventive and corrective) of the Bahia Principe Hotels & Resort division, and itsarticulation of actions and resources.
Plan, coordinate and control the preparation of the budget of the Maintenance area (electrical, mechanical, air conditioning, plumbing, equipment and installations) with the proposal of expenses and investmentsfor the year and facilitatedecision-makingaccording to the evolution and priorities of the business.
Plan, coordinate & monitor the definition of the maintenance plan with the inventory of assets, facilities and equipment and theirrecord of usefullife, incidents and correspondingriskmap and preventive and corrective actions.
Plan, coordinate & monitor the development of manuals, standards, policies, processes and maintenance systemsfortheirimplementation in allmarketswith hotel operations.
Collaborate and monitor the definition of the business case forinvestments (capexproposal) in Electrical, mechanical, air conditioning, plumbing, equipment and installations maintenance) to achievemanagementindicators.
Monitor trends in the tourist hotel marketin alloperationalaspects of maintenance (electrical, mechanical, air conditioning, plumbing, equipment and facilities) to identifyopportunitiesforimprovement and differentiation.
Plan, coordinate and monitor the inventory of tools, materials, equipment and maintenance facilities to provideservice capacity and the requestforreplacement and purchase.
Plan, coordinate and monitor operationalmonitoringwithKPIs and managementindicators of Electrical Maintenance, Mechanical, Air Conditioning, Plumbing, Equipment and Installations) forcompliancewithquality, servicelevels and results in alloperationalaspects.
Plan, coordinate and monitor maintenance projects (electrical, mechanical, air conditioning, plumbing, equipment and installations) according to the role assigned in eachproject and with the configuration of variable interlocutorswith agile methodologies. (Etc)