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Cayman Island Government Department of Children & Family

Social Worker

Cayman Island Government Department of Children & Family

  • Grand Cayman
  • 75000 - 85000
  • Permanent full-time
  • Updated 17/01/2025
  • HRM

We are seeking to recruit a dedicated and compassionate professional to join our team as a Social Worker.

1.         Job Purpose   

 The primary  role is to provide professional social work interventions and assistance to the people of the Cayman Islands, specifically ensuring compliance to the Children  Act (2012 Revision), Youth Justice Act, Adoption of Children Act, the Bill of Rights  and the Conventions of the Rights of the Child.


2.         Dimensions

Post holder’s primary responsibility is that of direct management of assigned cases.  The average caseload for post holder is presently thirty-five (35) cases. Case types are comprised of child safeguarding assessments and investigations, counselling, children in state care, assessing elderly needs and advocating for the required resources, acting as officer of the Court for youth justice and family matters, conducting international assessments and reports in relation to children and family matters.


3.         Principal Accountabilities

           1.             Assessment

Identify the nature, cause and progression of socially related problems of individuals, and groups in order to:

  • Interview service users and assess their current condition, needs, strengths and weaknesses.
  • Coordinate activities that seek to enhance community awareness and;
  • Review matters affecting clients and develop case and/or care plans that will promote positive changes.

2.         Case Management

  • Plan, coordinate, manage and implement support packages to help clients deal with difficulties and overcome dependencies.
  • Monitor and evaluate clients’ progress and modify treatment plans accordingly.
  • Research and advocate for appropriate programs that address client needs.
  • Develop, plan, report and schedule multi-agency case conferences.
  • Making necessary referrals to address the needs of the clients.
  • Coordination of group work amongst multiple agencies;
  • Maintain accurate records and report on clients’ status.
  • Ensuring that all case files, and other records, strictly comply with laws, policies, regulations, and procedures i.e. Data Protection, Social Work Guiding Principles.
  • Coordinating therapeutic planning and maintaining ongoing contact with relevant service providers for the continual care of clients. 

3.         Crisis Intervention

  • Provide supportive intervention to individuals and families during times of crisis in order that they may effectively function, minimize impact and achieve positive change.
  • Provide individual and family counseling.

4.         Child Safeguarding Investigations

  • Conduct risk assessments to determine any potential risk of child/children.
  • Plan and schedule multiagency case conferences.
  • Conduct and participate in investigations with the relevant agencies.
  • Interview and document information on the client in order to make appropriate recommendations regarding the best interest of the client.
  • When needed, address emergency welfare matters on behalf of children.

 5.          Older Persons

  • Assessing the needs, strengths, weaknesses, situations, and support systems of elderly clients, in an effort to develop short-term and long-term goals and care plans.
  • Investigate reports of Elderly Neglect/abuse.
  • Plan and schedule multiagency case conferences.
  • Interview and document information on the client in order to make appropriate recommendations regarding the best interest of the client.
  • Provide counselling and information services to older persons, families and caregivers.
  • Provide and or refer to community resources to address welfare needs of older persons.

6.         Report Writing

  • Collect and document information in order to prepare reports and applications to the courts for their decision making processes, e.g.: Court matters pertaining to child safeguarding, social inquiry reports on youth defendants.
  • Advise relevant court officers on matters regarding the department’s recommended actions.
  • Draft and present Adoption assessment reports to the courts.
  • Social Welfare/Custody assessments,
  • Maintenance and Affiliation assessments,
  • International reports e.g. International Social Services and Victim Impact Statements.

7.         Court Services

  • Serve as an Officer of the Court i.e. Youth, Family Summary and Grand Court i.e. give evidence and defend social inquiry reports.
  • File care applications on behalf of the Department for relevant Court Orders under the Children Act 2012 Revision on matters of child abuse cases.
  • Provide supervised access in contentious custody matters.
  • Serve as Court Liaison for Maintenance and Affiliation, Youth and Family Courts.
  • Conduct home assessment and prepare court documentation for adoption matters.

8.         Counselling

  • Develop a therapeutic relationship with clients (individuals and families) in order to facilitate the counselling process.
  • Provide counseling on the best course of action during sessions.
  • Advocate for clients requiring specialize therapeutic treatment i.e. Trauma Informed Therapy.
  • Make referrals for clients to appropriate mental health resources.  

9.         Advocacy

  • Advocate with individuals and/or agencies on behalf of clients to enable them to access and utilize systems and/or services available in the local community.
  • Develop key relationships with local advocacy groups in order to fulfill the department’s mandate.

10.        Public Education

  • Develop and implement effective public awareness program i.e. child safeguarding and the trauma of child abuse, elder abuse, community empowerment, and foster parent recruitment initiatives.
  • Lead on collaborations with key stakeholders for Child Month, International Youth Day, Older Person Month, Universal Day of the Child and any other community programs or matters that improve client access to needed resources or community support.
  • Lead and promote programs that educate and encourage social justice for the betterment of the community 

5.         Background Information

The Department of Children & Family Services is committed to providing individuals and families with the highest quality of professional social work services.

The post holder manages an assigned caseload.  Depending on the nature of the cases, the post holder may use an individual (e.g. information and referral cases, counselling etc.) and/or a team approach (e.g.: crises counselling, child care placements, child abuse investigations, etc.) and/or group work approach (e.g. crisis counselling, young mother’s group, activity group etc.).

The nature of social work is such that it places the worker in a number of challenging and volatile situations and environments such as homes, schools, hospitals/clinics, the Police Stations, Prisons and facility visits.


6.         Knowledge, Experience and Skills

The minimum qualifications that a post holder is required to have is a Bachelor’s Degree in Social Work.

  • Experience in caseload management using appropriate technological systems and tools. 
  • Knowledge of professional social work theories and related practices.
  • Knowledge of Social Work Code of Ethics and principles in practice including the client’s right to self-determination, confidentiality and respect for the client’s dignity, etc.
  • Minimum of three (3) years of practical social work experience, including client interventions and crisis management. 
  • Knowledge of social work skills (engaging clients in constructive relationships, etc.).

            The following knowledge bases are expected to be acquired:

  • Sensitivity and/or appreciation of the Caymanian culture and its diverse ethnic community.
  • Knowledge of local legislation and the Government’s administrative processes in the Cayman Islands.
  • It is essential for the post holder to keep up to date with developments in the field via training, relevant literature and to actively participate in supervisory sessions.

The skills that a post holder is required to have are:

  • Counselling skills - the ability to develop trusting therapeutic relationships.
  • Assessment skills - good ability to collect, organize, analyze core data and the ability to make appropriate decisions.
  • Case management skills including goal setting, case and care planning, documentation and termination.
  • Management of work load including setting of priorities, effective management of time and ability to meet deadlines.
  • Interviewing skills - the post holder is able to utilize the appropriate techniques befitting the particular situation (e.g.: motivational interviewing and achieving best evidence).
  • Knowledge of therapeutic techniques.
  • In addition, the post holder is expected to possess attitudes and values which would enable him/her to relate to people in a warm, empathetic and non-judgmental manner.


7.         Assignment and Planning of Work

  • The work is mainly generated by the Social Work Manager who will assign cases.
  • The post holder will action/progress cases guided by the Social Work Manager.
  • The role requires the ability to plan own work schedule.
  • The post holder periodically reviews plans with his/her assigned Social Work Manager during supervision sessions which take place monthly.


8.         Supervision of Others

No direct supervisory responsibilities but may be asked to supervise tasks assigned to social work interns or co-work cases with junior staff.


9.         Other Working Relationships

External relationships with:

a)    Police regarding youth, family court matters and child abuse investigations.

b)      Crown Counsels in obtaining legal guidance on legal issues.

c)     Court administrative support personnel regarding all court related matters.

d)    Personnel within the Department of Education Services (i.e. school counsellors and teachers) Department, Health Service Authority and other Medical personnel and Behavioural Health personnel regarding assessment of clients medical and mental health needs.

e)    Politicians referring the needs of their constituents.

f)      Her Majesty’s Cayman Islands Prison Services personnel regarding the welfare needs of young persons on remand.

g)    Service Clubs/Voluntary organizations to advocate for clients.

h)    Youth Services and the Department of Counselling Services and its various units.

i)      WORC and CBC personnel to gather information and advocate.

j)      Needs Assessment Unit relating to financial support for shared clients.

k)     Residential facilities for young persons to monitor and follow up on placements.

l)      Any other Government department.

Internal relationships with:

a)    Foster homes to offer support to parents and monitor the placement of children.

b)    Residential homes to monitor and follow up on placements.

c)      All teams within the Department.


10.        Decision Making Authority and Control

  • The post holder assumes professional responsibility for management of all assigned cases and other duties.
  • Post holder must adhere to the Public Service Management Act  and Personnel Regulations, (2022 Revision) and policies of the Department of Children & Family Services.


11.        Problems/Key Features

Social Work can be unpredictable by the very nature of the work. Some cases may require different aspects of social work skills. It is high stress environment due to addressing human complexities with limited resources (funding and manpower) and intense human emotions. There are times that decision-making requires immediate action and responses. There is a high level of client dependency, with issues around personal private life of the post holder due to the small size of the community. There are constant demands made by the public.

The key feature is providing individuals and families with the broadest possible range of professional social work services.


12.        Working Conditions

  • Extended working hours (responding to emergency situations); receiving threats (verbal and physical); confrontations; exposure to natural elements and travelling.
  • Worker is expected to work as part of the on-call roster including nights, weekends and public holidays.
  • Working away from the office base, conducting home visits can place the worker in an isolated/stressful and vulnerable situation.
  • All doors leading to the office are secured by electronic locking system.
Please visit our careers website (careers.gov.ky) to obtain a detailed copy of the job description, and to submit your online application.

Ref: VDCFS01/25

Cayman Island Government Department of Children & Family

Cayman Island Government Department of Children & Family