Bachelor of Science in Crop Science and Technology
The Bachelor of Science in Crop Science and Technology programme provides a strong foundation in basic and applied sciences along with the technology training in crop science. UTT will train students, who at the end of the programme, would be capable of teaching, conducting research and communication of research findings to ensure sustainable development of the horticultural and crop sectors. There is a strong emphasis on chemistry, biochemistry, plant physiology, breeding and genetics and nutrition as well as integrated crop protection and technology courses.
Mode of Delivery and Duration: Full Time only; Three (3) years
Available Full Time:Yes
Available Part Time:No
Programme Venue(s):
Entry Requirements
Mature Student Entry:
An applicant who does not satisfy all the stipulated minimum academic or technical qualifications for admission to the programme may be accepted as a Mature Student. He/she would need to possess the critical elements of the stipulated qualification and would be assessed as possessing a combination of qualifications and educational or experiential maturity to enable him/her to successfully participate in the programme.
Note: Applicants will be interviewed before selection.